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Number one rule of posting online: never apologize for not posting.

Ok, I just made that up. But I just got a reminder from WordPress saying, “You haven’t posted this week. Are you going to post soon? Your readers will forget you.”

Since I only have one real reader who I am not married to (Hi Bob–tell Judy we said hi), I doubt he will forget me.

So what’s my excuse? Lots of stuff but the biggest is that our franchise partner Mark and his lovely wife Kim have gone off to an Expedia CruiseShipCenters franchise owner meeting and I am covering for him this week. This means that for the first time since I taught high school in 1982 I have someplace to get up and go to every day this week from 9 to 5. It has been interesting and while I have truly enjoyed all the travel talk, it means I have gotten very little done outside of going in to work, coming home, cooking dinner and waking up really early to work on my other job.

And last night was my son’s 40th birthday so we had the local family over for dinner which consumed another full evening. By the time they went home at 8:00 I was half asleep. It was fix some websites, deal with a couple of things online, watch a TV show and fall asleep. It’s been that kind of week.

So hopefully you will forgive me and know that I will get back to posting about travel next week. Thanks for your patience.

I’m busy, man, too busy. There’s a lamentable absence of free time. —Juan Pablo Montoya

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